ⓒJino Park

Hello, I’m Yoosin Park, the Artistic Director of the Autumn Chamber Music Festival.

After enduring an exceptionally hot and unpredictable summer, we now welcome the subtly exciting season of autumn, and with it, the 6th Autumn Chamber Music Festival.

The first time doing anything comes with both excitement and nerves. The emotions stirred by that “first moment” stay with us, etched deeply in our hearts. It’s been six years since the Autumn Chamber Music Festival was founded in 2019, and while our festival may be small, we have prepared our sixth festival with the same “first heart,” with the hope of sharing the infinite world of chamber music. This year, especially, we wanted to share chamber music with young musicians who will shape the future, so we held the Young Chamber Audition. The 2024 Young Chamber Artist is the 'Amelie Quartet.' Their passion and spirit remind us once again of that “first heart.” We kindly ask for your attention and support for the Amelie Quartet, who are undoubtedly working hard and nervously preparing for their recital.

During the following three days of the festival, the best performers will present a variety of programs for our audience. Chamber music began literally in small chambers where friends, family, or music enthusiasts would gather to play. On the first day of the main performance, September 26th, we will focus on Classical music, where chamber music culture has its roots. On the 27th, we will explore the chamber music masterpieces of Brahms, a composer beloved by many. Lastly, on the 28th, we will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Smetana’s birth and the 120th anniversary of Dvořák’s passing at the Autumn Chamber Music Festival.

We hope that, once again this year, the Autumn Chamber Music Festival will bring performers and audiences together through the beauty of chamber music, and that the “first heart” we wish to share reaches all who join us at the venue. Yoosin Park, Artistic Director